Colombian Roast Coffee

Let’s start from the beginning and answer some typical questions about Preparing Colombian Coffee. Visit following link a wider explanation on Colombian Coffee.


What is a roast graph and what is a roast graph used for?

To put it simply, the roasting is like the cooking of the coffee bean. If you have “cooked” and acheived a taste that you like, you want to be able to repeat that. The way to control that is by having a graph.

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What does a roast graph analyze for a Colombia Roast Coffee?

A roast graph analyzes details such as control and reading curves. Control curves are variables that you can directly control such as the heat settings, airflow, and gas flow. Reading curves are temperature readings. Since the variables are constantly changing, they are recorded as line graphs. You can acheive the same result if you repeat the same curves, use the same burn and set the same air and temperatura settings.

What are some typical roast levels?

Some names in the market, from lightest to darkest, are: City Roast, Full City, Vienna, French Roast, Italian Roast, Spanish Roast, Turkish coffee roast (charred).


What is the difference in grind for an expresso and dip coffee?

The grinds are different. Drip coffee requieres médium grind, like sea salt crystals. Fort the expresso, the coffee has to be finely ground.  When making expresso coffee, there are basically 3 main options:

1-Cortado (smaller and stronger)




What methods do we have to brew coffee:

1(/ French presss / Also called total inmersión. Water is poured on the coffee and we let them sit together for at least 5 minutes. The resulta n oily and well/bodied coffee.

2) Pour/over coffee> the wáter is poured through the coffee and hence only the the most soluble parts of the coffee go to the cup. This gives us a lighter and clearer coffee with not much body.


How is dip coffee made?

Drip coffee is coffee that is poured through wáter, Little by Little.


How is express coffee made?

Expresso is brewed under pressure.



Now, it’s time to test the coffee. The taster, also called “the cupper”, will check the colour, which for a professional cupper tells a lot about the quality. After visual approval, is time for some chemist-like roasting, brewing, smelling and “slurp” sounding tasting, and once the quality is approved by the cupper, the rest of the beans are roasted.

Beans are usually roasted at about 230–260 degrees celsius. Coffee is kept moving during to roasting. When the inner temperature of the beans reaches 230 degrees celsius, the oil inside them begins to emerge. This changes the beans from green to brown and gives the coffee it’s actual aroma. Once roasting is complete, the beans are immediately cooled, either by air or water and now the coffee has to hurry to get to your cup. Aromas begin to fade immediately after roasting as coffee is at it’s best to enjoy 2–30 days from roasting. High quality coffee is often excellent after 30 days but there is no hope for regular coffees.

Colombian Coffee is our specialty. We are a Colombian Coffee Company for Roasted Coffee and Specialized Roasters for Wholesale Coffee. Our Company specializes in Private Label Coffee. In case of interest, please download our updated Colombian Coffee Catalogue and do not hesitate to contact us. Please click on the link for more info on  Private Label Coffee